431597992 812824544206469 5500709729036736359 nبحضور مدير الجامعة ومدير ملحقة كلية الطب إلى جانب نائبه للبيداغوجيا و عميد كلية العلوم الدقيقة وعلوم الطبيعة والحياة تم صبيحة يوم الخميس 07 مارس 2024 بقاعة المناقشات محمد محدة الاعلان عن انطلاق نشاط اول نادي علمي لطلبة ملحقة علوم الطب والذي يحمل اسم medivera.

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On Tuesday, March 06, 2024, the Law and Political Sciences Faculty organized the National Forum on the War on Gaza and its Regional and International Security Implications, in support of the Palestinian cause, run by Biskra University Rector, Mr. Mahmoud Debabeche, and the Faculty Dean, Mr. Abderaouf Debabeche, with pedagogy Vice-rector, faculties’ deans, officials, teachers and students.







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On March 06, 2024, the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty held the events of the National Forum on "Tangible Heritage in the Aures and the Eastern Desert through Ages, between Valuation and Preservation. The Laboratory of Historical and Civilizational Studies of the Aures and the Eastern Desert through the Ages organized the event, with lectures and three workshops.

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On Tuesday morning, March 05, 2024, the University Post-Graduation Vice- rectorate organized an online placement test in English for A1, A2, B1, and B2 levels, using MOODLE, supervised by the Vice-rector and engineers and technicians of Biskra University Networks and Information Systems Centre.




